Blogposts – UNEP
Welcome to the UNEP Blog. Here, you will find two questions you must answer for a proper preparation.


Each delegate must answer to 2 questions before the committee, which must state their country's position and proposals to solve the issue in discussion. Remember to provide detailed answers!

The questions you must answer for the UNEP committee are the following:

1. What is your country's position regarding water pollution and the protection of health and ecosystems?

2. What measures does your country consider necessary to effectively combat water pollution? Consider the measures to take to solve and prevent water pollution or problems related to it.

Your answer must include your name and country. Example:

Name: Karol Delgado
Country: United States of America
Question number 1: The United States believes water is essential for life, and must be a top priority for any country. Thus, we maintain a robust regulatory framework to address water pollution and safeguard the health of ecosystems and communities. Guided by laws such as the Clean Water Act, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) oversees measures to control pollutant discharges into water bodies and sets water quality standards in our country. We have an emphasis on preventing and mitigating the impact of pollutants on both aquatic life and human health, demonstrating a commitment to maintaining the integrity of the nation’s water resources.
Question number 2: Pollution is the result of man’s actions, thus, we can prevent it through regulation by endorsing existing UN frameworks in nations, as well as supervising industries and providing guidelines about how to manage the waste generated, besides, cleaning oceans and protecting marine biodiversity with the support of ecological NGO’s who can provide technological assistance aimed to clean the oceans. Additionally, as oceans are shared between countries, we seek for international collaboration. To achieve this, we can provide funding for other countries’ proposals. In this way, each possible solution is applied, and we can all reach our common goal of cleaning the oceans.

All Blogpost Answers must be submitted through a comment in this blog before Monday, December 4th, 11:59 p.m. To do so, you only need to register with your email and password. If you have any problem, you can send your answers to


9 thoughts on “Blogposts – UNEP

  1. Name: Abril Quintanilla
    Country: Japan
    Question 1: Japan believes that water is important, they have suffered natural disasters and man’s actions. Japanese are responsable of the environment, they are raising awareness to take care of the environment, both at home and at an industrial level since there are established rules and laws that they have achieved that positioned Japan in one of the most polluted industrial cities in the world.
    They are also focused on confronting climate change in the best way, using technology to confront the problems.
    Question 2: Because of the tragedy of Fukushima in March 11, 2011, Japan decided to throw away radiant water. The UN explains that throw away radiant water is practiced by others countries. This action will be supervised by International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) with purpose of purify its waters.

  2. Name: Fabian Reategui
    Country: South Corea
    Question Number 1: South Korea recognizes the importance of water as a vital resource for life, agriculture, industry, and the environment in general. South Korea has faced significant challenges related to water pollution, prompting the government and society at large to take significant steps to address this issue. Stricter regulations have been implemented, resources have been invested in more advanced water treatment technologies, and environmental awareness campaigns have been promoted to encourage responsible water use and pollution reduction. Significant efforts have been made to reduce pollution in rivers, lakes, and drinking water sources. Regulations have been established to control industrial waste emissions and environmental awareness is being promoted among the population to reduce domestic pollution.

    Question Number 2: South Korea suffers from water pollution due to industrial waste, agricultural waste due to the use of fertilizers and pesticides that seep into the soil until they reach water sources, it also suffers from the acts of people who throw garbage in rivers, oceans, lakes etc.
    And that’s why the Republic of South Korea proposes: Strict regulations: The country sets rigorous environmental standards to control industrial emissions and regulate the discharge of waste into bodies of water and advanced technology that invests in advanced wastewater treatment technologies to purify water before returning it to the environment. This includes modern treatment systems and more effective methods of purification.

  3. Name: Fabian Reategui
    Country: South Corea
    Question Number 1: South Korea recognizes the importance of water as a vital resource for life, agriculture, industry, and the environment in general. South Korea has faced significant challenges related to water pollution, prompting the government and society at large to take significant steps to address this issue. Stricter regulations have been implemented, resources have been invested in more advanced water treatment technologies, and environmental awareness campaigns have been promoted to encourage responsible water use and pollution reduction. Significant efforts have been made to reduce pollution in rivers, lakes, and drinking water sources. Regulations have been established to control industrial waste emissions and environmental awareness is being promoted among the population to reduce domestic pollution.

    Question Number 2: South Korea suffers from water pollution due to industrial waste, agricultural waste due to the use of fertilizers and pesticides that seep into the soil until they reach water sources, it also suffers from the acts of people who throw garbage in rivers, oceans, lakes etc.
    And that’s why the Republic of South Korea proposes: Strict regulations: The country sets rigorous environmental standards to control industrial emissions and regulate the discharge of waste into bodies of water and advanced technology that invests in advanced wastewater treatment technologies to purify water before returning it to the environment. This includes modern treatment systems and more effective methods of purification.

  4. Name: Yoshiro Huidobro
    Country: Philippines
    Question 1: The country of Philippines believe that water is crucial to the world because water is vital to our health, it can bring nutrients to our cells, protect joints from organs and maintain our body temperature, however, the Philippines have been facing a few challenges related to this topic, water pollution is a pressing issue caused by various factors such as industrial waste, improper waste disposal, fuel spillages and many more, therefore, the government has recognized the severity of the problem and has taken steps to address it. Laws and regulations, such as the Clean Water Act of 2004, have been implemented to manage and reduce water pollution.

    Question 2: In order for the Philippines to combat water pollution we have implemented a River Basin Control Office (RBCO) since July 6th 2009 under the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) to coordinate and see water related projects in the Philippines and also manage the use of water and other natural resources. The Philippines aims to combat water pollution by enforcing environmental laws, improving infrastructure for wastewater treatment, fostering community awareness and participation, etc.

  5. Name: Camila Velasquez
    Country: Chile
    Question 1: Chile believes that water is an essential good for life on the planet, and is present in many daily activities. It’s important for humans, animals, the environment and biodiversity. However, its contamination means that millions of people around the world don’t have fair access to this necessary good. If we don’t put an end to this, the damage to ecosystems and health protection will be irreversible. Reducing water pollution is a sustainable development objective for universal access to drinking water. To achieve this change, Chile has a regulatory framework called “EH2030” (Water Scenarios 2030), where the main objective is dialogue with the different key actors, to generate proposals with measures, actions and concrete solutions. In addition, this initiative seeks to mobilize the public and private sector, to have an international impact and contribute to water development around the world.
    Question 2: The bad practices in different industries and lack of human’s awareness are most of the major causes of this problems of contamination. For this reason, Chile proposes to regulate the use of plastic to a lesser extent, the implementation of ecological transport, thus avoiding excessive CO2 emissions, consequently groundwater wouldn’t be contaminated, and to achieve these measures, these proposals must be regulated and rigorously supervised with the cooperation of the MMA (Ministry of Environment) and other organizations in hand.

  6. Name: Adriana Loaiza
    Country: Canada

    Question number 1: Canada is conscious of the current situation; we know how essential is water for our world. We have already started to take action in order to solve this issue, Canada has cooperated with the global efforts of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) in order to address water pollution through many avenues providing $2.3 million annually. Furthermore, Canada has been part of the steering committee of the Global Partnership on Marine Litter where we have help the Caribbean subregion in order to develop educational materials and to engage the interested parts in the development of the regional marine litter action plan for the Caribbean. We are aware of the impacts that water pollution has in different areas of our world and we are ready to discuss different solutions in order to achieve our goal, to solve this global problem.

    Question number 2: Water pollution is an issue that can affect not only animals it also affects us and the environment. That´s why Canada really wants to show its proposals in order to solve this problem. Starting from the “PENGUIN” plan which will focus on developing politics of control in order to avoid the contamination of the industries, followed by the “SANDCASTLE” plan which will invest in the urban planification in order to include the consideration of the surrounding coastal and marine ecosystems. Finally, we have the “FENCING” plan which will ensure that international cooperation and financing is correctly used. Remember we need to cooperate in order to solve this problem.

  7. Name: Nicolás Gonzales
    Country: Indonesia

    Question number 1: Indonesia recognizes the critical importance of addressing water pollution to protect both human health and ecosystems. We acknowledge that water is a finite and essential resource, and its contamination poses significant threats to biodiversity and public well-being. Indonesia is committed to adopting a holistic approach that considers the interconnectedness of water, health, and ecosystems in our policies and actions.

    Question number 2: To effectively combat water pollution, Indonesia is taking several measures. First, we are strengthening regulatory frameworks to control and monitor industrial and domestic discharges into water bodies. This includes strict enforcement of pollution control standards and penalties for non-compliance. Second, we emphasize community awareness and participation, promoting responsible water use and waste disposal practices. Third, we are investing in wastewater treatment infrastructure to ensure the safe disposal of effluents.

  8. Nombre: Micaela Ramirez
    País: Italia
    Question 1: Italy believes that water is essential for the functioning of humans, biodiversity, the environment and all living elements on the planet. Therefore, we maintain a strong regulatory framework to address water pollution and safeguard the health of ecosystems and communities. Guided by laws such as the Galli Law, it reflects an environmentalist perspective, stresses “the need to use this resource according to criteria of solidarity and imposes, in river basins, the obligation to regulate diversions, to ensure the level of ebb and flow necessary for the life of the lower watercourses in order to avoid damage to the balance of the ecosystems concerned”. We have an absolute interest in preventing and mitigating the impact of pollutants on both aquatic life and human health, demonstrating a commitment to maintaining the integrity of the nation’s water resources.
    Question 2: The pollution of ecosystems, especially the marine one, is due to man’s actions. Nowadays, human consumerism generates the overexploitation of resources, thus causing their depletion and affecting the environment. For example, some industrial practices cause gases that acidify the ocean, affecting marine flora and fauna. For this reason, Italy proposes a greater regulation of industry, to measure the maximum permitted levels of gases. In addition, to promote the cleaning of the seas through alliances with fishermen and environmentalists seeking to grant them benefits in exchange for the elimination of waste found in the sea. We also seek cooperation with NGOs to raise awareness among farmers and ranchers about the efficient use of resources, in order to reduce the excessive use of resources and the waste generated.

  9. Name: Santiago Valle
    Country:The Republic Of Austria
    Question Number 1: Austria
    The country of Austria believes that clean water can never be missing in human life, it is essential. Unfortunately, there are countries without access to clean water, causing serious illnesses or even death, which is why we want to protect the health of all people by ensuring that they can have clean water. For that we would also have to protect the ecosystems that still contain clean water so that it is not contaminated with waste and can continue to be drinkable Austria against this has invested millions of euros since 1960 to build and maintain high quality wastewater treatment plants, which has resulted in more than 95% of the population being connected to municipal wastewater treatment making They reduce a large percentage of diseases and deaths due to water. This can serve as an example for other countries and they can do the same, helping their entire population. Furthermore, if other countries do not have enough resources, they could receive help from organizations that focus on that or In other countries this would help the entire population because, as I said before, it would help reduce illnesses and deaths due to this big problem.
    Question Number 2: Austria
    Austria proposes to make water wells in the villages with few resources this could be achieved if organizations and the country join together to do this action. also to put a filter to the wells so they can be completely sure that this clean, this would help people to have clean water near their village and not have worries if the water is contaminated, causing better quality of life to all those people. This has been achieved thanks to an American content creator who with his money has built 100 water wells in Kenya, Zimbabwe, Uganda, Somalia and Cameroon in their villages without clean water helping them too much because the country did not have to spend money.

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