Blogposts – OAS
Welcome to the SOCHUM Blog. Here, you will find two questions you must answer for a proper preparation.


Each delegate must answer to 2 questions before the committee, which must state their country's position and proposals to solve the issue in discussion.

The questions you must answer for the OAS committee are the following:

1. Who does your country recognize as the legitimate president, Maduro or Guaidó? What are the most important aspects of the crisis that must be prioritized and solved first? Consider violations of human rights, the economic crisis, corruption, etc.

2. What measures does your country believe must be taken in Venezuela to overcome the crisis? How can nations achieve that Venezuela lifts sanctions on nations that oppose Maduro?

Your answer must include your name and country. Example:

Name: Andrea Fallaque
Country: United States of America
Question number 1: Nicolás Maduro is the legitimate president of Venezuela. During his years of government, he has always been the representative of the country, with which we have strengthened economic and diplomatic relations. The moment Juan Guaidó was named as the "legitimate" Venezuelan president, our Prime Minister Terrance Drew reminded all nations who truly rules. With respect to their crisis, the first aspect to resolve is the economic one, as our close trade ties make the country's economy of our highest interest.
Question number 2: To overcome the crisis, we propose a regional import-export alliance, where all OAS members trade with Venezuela, prioritizing them as suppliers until the Venezuelan economy is strengthened. With respect to sanctions, they should not be lifted, because any opponent directly infringes on Venezuela's sovereignty and clearly deserves to be sanctioned.

All Blogpost Answers must be submitted through a comment in this blog before Monday, December 4th, 11:59 p.m. To do so, you only need to register with your email and password. If you have any problem, you can send your answers to


3 thoughts on “Blogposts – OAS

  1. Question number 1: Nicolás Maduro is the legitimate president of Venezuela. During his years in government he has always been the representative of the country, with which we have strengthened economic and diplomatic relations. However, that does not mean that we are in favor of his government since Maduro’s bad government caused inflation in Venezuela to rise to 65.00%. Regarding the crisis that Venezuela is going through. The first aspect that we have to resolve is the economic one since the commercial ties with Venezuela are based on the oil field since Venezuela belongs to the ODEP and therefore is one of our largest commercial partners. Furthermore, if Venezuela’s inflation continues as before, its currency will devalue more than Argentina’s.
    Question number 2: To overcome the crisis in Venezuela, we must first propose dollarization so that its currency does not devalue more than that of Argentina. In addition, lift the sanction that we imposed on Venezuela in exchange for resuming its oil production, paying us a percentage of the profit obtained from its sale and not lifting the sanction on other countries since any country can violate the sovereignty of Venezuela and therefore so much must be punished.

  2. Name:Diego aybar
    Question number 1: Jamaica recognizes the political complexity in Venezuela, acknowledging diverse international perspectives on the legitimacy of leaders. While respecting the sovereignty of nations, Jamaica emphasizes the need for a peaceful and inclusive resolution to the crisis. In alignment with CARICOM principles, Jamaica underscores the importance of diplomatic dialogue and multilateral efforts. As the situation unfolds, Jamaica’s priority lies in advocating for human rights, fostering regional stability, and supporting initiatives that address both political and economic challenges in Venezuela.
    Question number 2:
    Jamaica acknowledges the multifaceted nature of the crisis in Venezuela and believes in the importance of a comprehensive and inclusive approach to find a peaceful resolution. Jamaica supports diplomatic initiatives and international cooperation to facilitate dialogue between all stakeholders. To address the challenges in Venezuela, including the possibility of lifting sanctions, Jamaica advocates for sustained diplomatic efforts and a commitment to engaging in constructive dialogue rather than confrontation. Encouraging all nations to come together in a spirit of cooperation and understanding is essential for fostering stability and prosperity in Venezuela and the broader international community.

  3. Name : Stefano Encalada
    Country: United States
    Who does your country recognize as the legitimate president, Maduro or Guaidó? What are the most important aspects of the crisis that must be prioritized and solved first? Consider violations of human rights, the economic crisis, corruption, etc.
    Question number 1: Nicolás Maduro is the legitimate president of Venezuela. During his years in government he has always been the representative of the country, with which we have strengthened economic and diplomatic relations. However, that does not mean that we are in favor of his government since Maduro’s bad government caused inflation in Venezuela to rise to 65.00%. With respect to the crisis that Venezuela is going through, the first aspect that we have to resolve is the economic one since the commercial ties that we have with Venezuela are one of the things that we have the greatest interest in with Venezuela. Furthermore, if Venezuela’s inflation continues the way it is now, its currency will be more devalued than Argentina’s.
    Question number 2:
    To overcome the crisis in Venezuela, we must first propose dollarization in Venezuela so that its currency does not devalue like that of Argentina. Furthermore, propose an alliance with the OAS countries so that they constantly trade with Venezuela, whether it be oil or various things so that the economic activity of Venezuela is constant until a process of dollarization is carried out with the Venezuelan bolivars and they become economically stronger and thus overcome its economic crisis
    Regarding the sanctions, we believe that they should not be lifted since any country can infringe the sovereignty of Venezuela and therefore should be sanctioned.

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